Standard Introduction
I have been
writing about Dungeons and Dragons semi-regularly this year and in the course
of writing those I found a 30-day blog challenge. As I have done those a couple times before it
seemed remiss not to jump on this one.
If you want
here is a link to my 30-day
challenge on Disney Movies, here is a link to my 30-day
challenge on Video Games, and here is a comically out of date 30-day
challenge on Movies (it is old and the writing is rubbish).
Day 6- Favorite Class
I am going
to go ahead and be that guy. I like
playing as Bards. I like playing as Paladins.
I mentioned
yesterday how I prefer to run games rather than be a player, but when it is
time to play a character I inevitably end up being the group’s talker/spokesman,
so I tend to just lean into it.
Playing a
charismatic guy who likes to help other people either by entertaining them or
by being an assuring presence fits my real-life personality (or at least the
one I try to have) and the mechanics about boosting the rest of the group fit
with my world view.
I prefer
not to “play to win” because I have a rather nasty competitive side to me, and
would much prefer to “play for everyone to have a good time”. I prefer to run games for a reason.
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Maybe the next time I play I will multiclass this class combination. Wasn't possible in 3e and I multiclassed Warlock in 4e (that is a story for tomorrow). Now I am feeling creative. |
Players Who Won’t Take a Hint
My attitude
on this comes from some negative things I have witnessed from the other side of
things and my general desire to help the GG out. When you are a player, it helps the person
running the game if you are two things,
A team player willing to put the needs of the group
ahead of the needs of their own (not a doormat, just someone who is willing to
share the spotlight).
Desiring to go on adventures, even if those adventures
are not all about them (see “team player” above).
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"Guys? Anybody want to smile for the group photo? No? Nobody? Okay..." |
You would
be surprised how much help it is to the GG if you just make a character that
isn’t a loner douchebag or someone whose dislikes following story queues. I have had issues in the past where I feed
people adventure hooks tailored to them and their response is to blow them off.
Here is an
example of the issue, “The leadership of your knightly order has made a pact
with Mindflayers for power and have asked you to follow along with their plan;
you can chose to join up with them obeying your oath to them but most certainly
betraying the spirit of the Oath by dooming the common people to be food; you
can challenge the leadership which will likely cause a civil war in the knight
ranks, but will certainly keep the Mindflayers from helping them out too much
or getting a foothold in the area; or you can try to play politics and gather
support and resources first which means the leadership will have more
Mindflayer provided assistance down the line but you will face them with all
the help of your fellow knights.”
responded with, “I don’t care.” *shrug*
“Yeah,” he
replied. “I took an oath to a regent
that supersedes that oath and am too busy doing what I think my new regent
would want to bother with all that.”
Never mind
the fact that the regent in question was a joke (literally she was a pampered
princess who gave no shits about his oath or what he was doing and he knew
this), and any sane person would not want an order of knights to be taken over
by aberrations bent on enslaving the land.
He just didn’t want to bother.
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"To serve the liege lord in valor and faith." "To protect the weak and defenseless." "To obey those placed in authority." "To fight for the welfare of all." Parts of the 'Code of Chivalry' from the "The Song of Roland" |
Why play a
knight whose whole thing is about swearing oaths and following a code and then
not? Hey guys, if you want to play a
lawful character, you have to still think.
I don’t think I was being railroading either, it is not like the option
to be Evil wasn’t there, he had plenty of freedom to work within the bounds of
a big quest line. *shrug* I even gave
him bad guys and reasons to hate them.
Resolving Some Issues
It is
experiences like that one which inspire me to say, “I’m gonna do my best to go
with it”. Farming is a noble profession
and you are likely to live a long happy life with many children by doing it,
but this is a game about fighting monsters.
When I play, I try to be the type of person who likes to help their
group, likes to help NPC allies, wants to go on adventures either for the
enjoyment of said adventure or to help other people, and I will TAKE A HINT
It might be
the GG’s job to provide adventures the players like to play, but it is also the
job of the players to participate and roll/role with things. Sure, the GG should try and understand the
tone of the game the players want and explain the stories he is comfortable
telling (if the players want high fantasy but the DM was thinking political
intrigue there is going to be problems), but everyone there is trying to have a
good time playing a game.
You gotta
play the game!
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Also, this relates to nothing, but wat "Stranger Things" on Netflix. I suspect it is going to help rejuvenate the hobby of RPG's and it is really good. The second season is coming soon. |
I have in
the past tried to give surveys to players to ask them about the type of game
they want to play, but the often didn’t understand the nature of the question,
“I don’t know, I guess I am down for whatever.”
But then they just don’t take bait, they don’t consider things, they
don’t even do the hack and slash thing.
They negotiate every point and seem to resent the idea of going on
adventures at all.
Guys, this
is DnD. Go on adventures!
Coming Tomorrow
Tomorrow I
am going to talk about the character I most enjoyed playing.
He’s a
There will
be less ranting. Also, share your feelings in the comments, I do like to read them. It also helps pull traffic to my blog from other sources, one of these days I would like to make actual money off of this hobby of "writing to keep my skills up while looking for work".
Have Fun.
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like or hate this please take the time to comment, +1, share on Twitter (click
that link to follow me), Tumblr, or
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appreciate it.
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