Thursday, November 9, 2017

Lost Time and Stupid People

            Back in October I found this article that is about the “Phantom Time Hypothesis” (honestly the article is not all that well written, the Wikipedia article on the topic is perhaps a better source).  The “Phantom Time”, when you boil it down, says that a group of powerful monarchs got together and changed the calendar by adding several years to it.
            You know what, that premise sounds reasonable, councils were called between various states to discuss numerous things related to religion, like which books of the Bible are official or whether Jesus was a hologram.  The idea that they would standardize the date to keep records consistent and holidays lining up to arbitrary seasons makes a bit of sense.
And while we are in here, might as well play up the accomplishments of our ancestors.
             Except the “Phantom Time” isn’t just a few years, it was 300.  Beyond that it claims a massive number of documents and historical figures are completely fabricated.  Charlemagne, whose biography from the era I have read, is fictional in this instance.  What?
Forgive me if this meme is a bit stale.
            I have no problem believing that the calendar has shifted significantly, and that numerous old documents are out of date or distorted.
            I have no issue in believing that many historical figures have been attributed words and deeds that were not theirs.
            I have no trouble believing that too many documents have been lost and that some creative documentation (lying) took place to fill in the gaps.
            I do not believe that 300 years were just invented and everyone in Europe went along with it.
            That is fucking stupid and would be considered fringe and crazy even by people who think that aliens built pyramids.

            What is strange is the stupid line of reasoning they point to in the article that helps them arrive at the conclusion.  That not much happened between 614 and 911, you know, the dark ages so called because the record keeping was a bit lax.  Also, what the hell counts as significant?  The continuing dissolving legacy of the Western Roman Empire isn’t enough?  A trillion petty warlords clamoring for power not good enough?
I google the year 721 at random and found the Battle of Toulouse.

My Point
            I feel that stupid and crazy are not getting roundly laughed at as much as they deserve to be.  There is this sort of, “hear both sides” or “teach the controversy” that has resulted in every stupid fucking thing out there being given consideration and it is actually causing people to become unmoored from reality.
            There are people who legit think the world is flat.

            This sort of shit needs to stop.

            If you like or hate this please take the time to comment, +1, share on Twitter (click that link to follow me), Tumblr, or Facebook, and otherwise distribute my opinion to the world.  I would appreciate it.

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