I have
played Dungeons and Dragons for more than 15 years. Lately, I have not had access to any other
players and so I have just been kicking around ideas that normally would be in
a game and instead I am just going to post them on my blog. This is going to be a reoccurring thing as I
just keep hammering out things and not all of them can be turned into elements
in my “random fantasy novel ideas” folder.
Last week I talked about the concept of a “common” language that appears in Dungeons and
Dragons and how that might reflect on the game world. The fictional country I created was actually
a massive metaphor for the game of Dungeons and Dragons itself. I am clever.
This week I
want to focus on something that is more rules based, which is going to make
this pretty inaccessible to anyone who wants to read just for the “how to write
fantasy” aspects… Anyway, I want to talk
about healing and game flow.
What Have I Got: Injuries
Most of my
experience playing Dungeons and Dragons (like 90%) is in 3rd or 3.5
edition. In 3rd edition
healing is slow, expensive, and resource intensive. I hate it.
At low levels, games quickly get bogged down as each room of a dungeon
could potentially kill the entire party. An Orc with a great sword and a single level
of warrior has an attack that is likely to hit and likely to incapacitate. Here is some math! (This is perhaps the boringest part of this
whole thing… I regret putting it here at the front).
The orc
gets +1 for being a level one fighter type class, +3 from his strength score
with is likely either 16 or 17, but could be higher if they are an elite enemy,
and +1 from the weapon focus feat. That
is a +5, assuming the orc has no allies granting a flanking bonus (+2), or a
slightly better weapon or spell helping (+1), or maybe they are just charging
The orc is
going to certainly hit the wizard AC11, 70% of the time, and will probably have
no issue hitting the high dexterity rogue AC17, 40% of the time. And at low levels those guys are toast. Because the orc will deal 2d6+4 damage. The highest health you can really expect from
a wizard is 9 hit points if they decided to toss away a feat on Toughness.
Curing the
damage caused by even a single hit by this orc (and remember, there is a
dungeon/camp/waaargh-party of these guys hanging around waiting to hit too),
just this one guy will eat up one of these three resources.
Time. “We will
barricade the room so that we can rest up for the night and recover health
before continuing.” And resting is a
shit way to recover, 1 hit point for your level and 1 additional hit point for
your Constitution modifier. And that
assumes you can find a place to rest. I
once had a team hold up in a secure location, only one entrance to secure, when
they woke the next morning they found the door barred from the other side, the
kobolds had bricked them up inside. This
method stops the game cold, and is insane in the context of the world; you are
going to break camp inside the enemy stronghold?
Spells. “The
cleric can burn off one of their fun spells like- Hahaha…. I couldn’t even
finish that sentence, Cleric spells are all boring protective wards, cook one
off and use the spell for healing.”
Cleric spells are boring, and the role of the character in the party of
adventurers/players is to heal (more than anything else, paradoxically they and
Druids are considered the strongest classes) so this doesn’t really feel like
much of a loss, but there are not a lot of spells to go around at low levels,
each heal is a substantial resource lost.
Items. Scrolls,
potions, and wands are all present early in the game, but they are kind of
pricey. Maybe this is supposed to be
some kind of sub textual bit of commentary on how expensive healthcare is in
real life? But, why in heaven’s name
does a potion that cures 1d8+1 hit points cost so much? Imagine if healing magic existed in the real
world and you could bottle a healing potion that would never expire and be in
constant demand, why would this shit not be bottled like Coca-Cola? People would be sprinkling it on their
food. And don’t give me that, “XP cost”
BS, the Spice Must Flow!
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More like, "Blood must flow! Am I right?" All orc comedy is about bloodshed, it is not very funny. |
I am also
going to point out how worthless I think the Heal skill is as I know of
it. Skills are a not-that-fun aspect of
3rd edition, but Heal is actually so useless that it gives new
players misconceptions about what they can do with it. At best it should be called First Aid and
should be a skill for people who have no access to healing magic.
So what do
I think should be the solution? How can
you speed up healing to keep the pace of the game going but not incur expenses
that will screw up the game’s economy?
Well, I said that most of my DnD experience was with 3rd, but
the rest was with 4th edition, and for all the faults that game had,
healing was a lot faster, and the game was a smoother experience for it. Beyond that, let’s look at some video games
and I can complain about “Skyrim” a whole bunch.
4th Edition and “World of Warcraft”: Healing
Surges and Sitting on Your Butt
The idea
behind healing surges was to take healing systems like those in World of
Warcraft and adapt them to Dungeons and Dragons. In WoW you regenerate health after each combat
encounter. You are sacrificing time (a
few seconds) to get back to your starting point and then you can get on with
slaughtering boars and kobolds. The game
flow is interrupted, but that can be sped up by eating food and drinking
beverages which shorten the recovery process.
You effectively have infinite health, just not all at once. And charging people money for small amounts
of food allows them to pull some money out of the bloated WoW economy. WoW has lots of ways to heal, but they are thoroughly restricted for game balance.
The 4th
edition of Dungeons and Dragons took that concept and adapted for a tabletop
game which lacked the luxury of having actual time happening. 4E just said that your characters could
recover back to full health via short rest periods several times each day, and
several abilities could recover from these short rests as well, essentially a
breather after each fight to gain one’s bearings and ready yourself for the
next conflict.
There was
still a limit on how many times you could do this each day as a function of
class and ability scores, these still served as a slight interruption to the
gameplay (but not nearly the flow destruction of 3rd edition), and
some abilities required a night’s rest to get back which when coupled with the
limited amount of surges meant the players still eventually ran out of
Each of
these systems means that the players only had enough for any given encounter
while simultaneously having enough for many encounters. Healing Surges have a good balance, and had
they included things like potions to restore daily abilities it really would
have worn the fact it was borrowing from WoW on its sleeve. Got milk?
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"Guy Fieri is going to be here any minute!" |
“Bloodborne”: Quick and Easy
The great
thing about every video game grafting RPG element into them is how it can illustrate
which mechanics work and which that don’t in a variety of ways. “Bloodborne”, to me at least, is a hack and
slash game. If the game just gave you a
small incremental increase in health, stamina, and damage each time you beat a boss
you really could pack in most of the other elements of the game’s leveling up.
I am sure
there are many people who love the insanity of trying to optimize builds in the
game and the “Dark Souls” series overall, and those fans of the series are
calling for my head reading this, but I actually find the system too arcane to
use (and I say that as someone who has power gamed the hell out of DnD, mostly
because I find that system modular and accessible). Regardless of this I like the “Bloodborne”
healing system.
potions, “Blood Vials” are common with nearly every goon in the game dropping
them and you can regain health by counter attacking enemies that have just hit
you. The game keeps up its pace and
rewards being aggressive.
How would
that adapt to Dungeons and Dragons? The
game is punishingly difficult, has limited team work opportunities, and death
is a built in mechanic. This seems like
a hard thing to lift from the game and put on to another system right? I don’t think so.
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It is also a single player experience (for the most part), so its mechanics might not work for large parties. |
healing potions super common and cheap as hell.
But also make them less effective.
Instead of 50 gold for a standard healing potion, have the healing
potions cost 5 gold, and have the players find them on bad guys who will use
them if they have the opportunity to (make them easier to use, a move action or
maybe even a free action if the player has the Quick Draw feat). The new drawback would be this: the potions
has death as a core part of gameplay, and since that is not going to be taken
over too, and you can’t cap the number of healing vials the players in DnD will
carry (there are portable holes and bags of holding for reasons, namely that
players like endless piles of stuff that they never use), so the only way to
get rid of an endless supply of inexpensive healing items that the players
would be willing to stockpile is to make the things only good for a short time.
Have it so
they can’t be found in ancient dungeons because they would have all gone bad,
much like cough syrup they just don’t work after a certain half-life, or can
even become poisonous. They are common
and useful in living civilizations but they are medicine produced to be used
and only stored for protracted periods of time under special circumstances
(perhaps there will be a bag of refrigerated holding).
The healing
potions, Blood Vials, would be not too expensive so they can be stocked up on
before a big adventure, but if they are not consumed in a short enough period
of time (3-5 days) they will spoil, so you don’t have to worry about the
players splurging on 100 potions all at once and destroying all tension to any
individual encounter.
And you
might be saying that this system will make the Cleric’s healing ability a lot
less worthwhile, and by extension all healing magic will be less
meaningful. Yes. Yes, that is the case. I consider that a good thing. Maybe then the players will be willing to let
the cleric cast some wards around them so they don’t need the healing as
often? And the player with the cleric
character can do something other than make everyone else not dead.
“Skyrim”: An Example of What Doesn’t Work
The economy
of Skyrim is broken and unbalanced. It
is possible to have money coming out of your ears in no time and there is
nothing that serves as a drain on that system.
I blame their healing system.
Let’s see,
You get fully healed from sleeping.
You can just stand still in a safe location for a while
and you will heal.
If you want to hurry things along you can cast a
healing spell you get for free at the start of the game.
You heal to full when you gain a level.
There are potions you can buy or make yourself from
free ingredients that are everywhere.
And there is a ton of food which is so ineffectual it
is rendered meaningless almost instantly, but it is there and thus should be
mentioned. HEY GUYS, if cooking requires
a lot of butter and salt, maybe make those things super cheap, super common,
and make food somehow functionally better than the potion which has the same
weight, otherwise it isn’t worth the trouble.
You can
also remove all diseases by touching a holy shrine or if you are in the middle
of something just swallow a potion.
Though I found myself walking thru hours of game without noticing my
diseased self because the effects are often to negligible and there is no
indication of illness on your heads-up-display.
This is poor design. But, let’s
stay on Healing.
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"You look rather pale." "Shut Up." "You'll find tonics, salves, poultices and potions on my shelves. Browse to your heart's content." |
All of these
things together add up to too much.
Healing could easily serve as a pressure release on the world’s economy
if healing cost more money. But healing
really doesn’t cost much, or anything.
Not having to manage your health in a game like this sucks a lot of the
challenge out of the game, and a lot of the use for money goes out the window
Sure even
somewhat useful magic items cost a fortune and in theory they could serve to
take some of your money, but who buys those?
Really, who buys items in Skyrim?
I buy raw materials, but more often than not (before installing a mod
that just gave all the merchants more money) the hardest part of Skyrim was
finding a place to sell shit to accumulate more and more nearly-useless currency.
the Healing system could have solved that.
Get rid of the WoW-esc “heal by standing still” method. You have to cast a spell, take a potion, or
rest (like in 3rd edition Dungeons and Dragons) but make the potions
cheaper so that people will be more inclined to buy a bunch and use them with
impunity. Suddenly this system means
food will remain useful longer, as it will provide a slight, but present,
source of health on the run, all those set tables in dungeons full of Bandits
will serve as hubs of quick recharging to continue on the mission.
This video
game is one of the many that does not benefit from recharging health but I
think it was included because its first person perspective made it expected. This complaint is more about fixing their
busted economy than healing itself. I
keep finding myself stocked up on potions and money in the late game and that
is not good. Cause you need
tension. Hell, “Skyrim” doesn’t even put
a limit on how many potions you can take in a single fight, WoW does that.
This system
would still have regenerating health (in a way), because mana still
regenerates, but it would require that extra step of actually casting the
spell. This actually is an instance in
which making things more like 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons would
benefit the game because of the minor differences in Skyrim that are harder to
transplant back into the system: spells are less of a massive resource because
of mana regenerating, resting is a more substantial because it is solidly a
game feature, and the existence of food as another inexpensive source of
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It's like Scrooge McDuck's. |
The Compromise: What’s Right for Your Game
So what
should you do for your game? You can
probably already tell what I would be my preferred method to slide into a
game. Either healing surges so that you
have limited health per encounter but plenty of health over the course of the
day, or cheap and plentiful Blood Vials that provide enough help to push
forward but a supply that will eventually run out so as to require thought and
The system
for 3rd edition now is excessively resource consuming and the system
for Skyrim is not consuming enough. The
first leads to characters getting bogged down and being too careful because
loosing health is expensive, the other leads to your pants being pulled down
from the weight of unused money.
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"You just need a place to put it, mate!" |
If you want
to go with the Healing Surges method I would have it work like this, each
player gets a number of healing surges equal to 5 plus their constitution
modifier and each is worth ½ their full hit point total. With feats like Endurance, Great Fortitude,
and Toughness providing an additional healing surge to make those feats more
attractive to the players. Cause
Endurance is pretty boring as is. You
might also give additional Surges to Barbarians and Paladins, or the ability to
swap out unused Surges for additional uses of a class abilities like Rage or
Healing Hands.
If you want
to go with the Blood Vials method make all healing potions cost 10% of their
current price, and whenever players fight humanoid or other intelligent
creatures (like giants, though they would be using stronger stuff) roll 1d6-4
(or 1d6-3 if you want to be generous) to see how many healing items they have
on them. You could also introduce a few
feats that make the individual items more effective on the player than they
otherwise would be, like the Fast Healer feat.
If you want
further restrictions on Blood Vials, making it so the players can only use a
few during any given encounter and need a short rest (5 minute) before using
more, would limit their use in each encounter to prohibit the game from
dragging out as players just keep healing themselves rather than taking risks
to end the fight.
The truth
of the matter is that most of this discussion is probably moot. 5th edition is where a lot of new
players are right now, and unless you like reading about game design and
adapting it to your own game this will have little relevance. But maybe, if you think your games have been
a little slow consider adapting a system like this to play, maybe it will speed
things up a bit.
Whatever works.
Future Dungeons and Dragons Discussion
I am unsure
how to install a poll function in this blog.
But if you have a topic you would like to see someone else talk about in
the context of Dungeons and Dragons (or just in the context of writing fantasy
stuff) write it in the comments.
I think the
next thing will be about Alignment. It
will probably have to be a 10,000 entry series on the subject matter that has
all the depth of a teaspoon and more debate among players than ANY OTHER THING
The Beg for Attention
If you
enjoyed reading about this, please say so in the comments. If you think I am off base about
“Bloodbourne” please tell me in the comments.
If you have had your own issues with healing in video games or Dungeons
and Dragons, share in the comments. If
you think I contradicted myself somewhere, criticize me in the comments. Thank you for reading.
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