Sunday, December 17, 2017

New Word, "Pompodore"

            (I wrote this in my Facebook “Notes” section in 2010, back when I was using that as a blog.  I present it here, edited for better effect, because I want to reference it down the line in another blog.)

I invented another new word.
Pompodore: noun, someone who takes an exceptional amount of pride in a position of authority, so much pride that it becomes their defining feature and one that detracts from their skill in the position.
This is a combination of the two words Commodore, a high-ranking position having to do with commanding a large number of ships and Pompous, which means arrogant to a fault.  Essentially, someone who has not yet realized that they have become the latest photographical example of the “Peter Principle" at work.

Not a Commodore, but arguably the worst military commander of the US Civil War.
I suppose I should provide examples, but the truth is that outside of a workforce where in a manager or manager's toady who lords their position over others is present there are very few people who hold real power and take obnoxious levels of pride in that power.
However, while there are no examples of people with real power who are full of themselves, there are a huge host of people who have social and media related status that they have become infatuated with, Sean Hannity, Sean Penn, Bill Maher, Bernard Goldberg (a person I once respected, who went off the deep end), and Lou Dobbs.
So yeah, start using Pompodore in your own speech to describe a boss, a political official, or any other full of themselves jackass with power.

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