This is the
unedited paper I wrote for my senior seminar back in 2007. I am posting it as a sort of trip down memory
lane during our current apocalypse.
I have
become a better writer since creating this.
I have
become much better informed since writing this.
I am a very
different person than when I wrote this.
Why would the process of budget removal not work in the armed conflict
in Iraq?
Currently the citizenry of the
United States believes that whether they wish the conflict to end in Iraq, they
are there and will utilize all of their resources to stabilize and exit the
area. The idea that any resources are
being with held is not perceived as a political move against the war, as it
would be intended, but might be interpreted as an irresponsible neglect of the
military forces already present in the nation.
To promote the removal of money from the conflict, the loss of armor,
medicine, or even basic entertainment devices for the troops would be political
suicide. Regardless as to whether the
President has an incredibly low approval rating or not, the message of “support
the troops, not the war” has permeated the American psyche, and no politician
has the political strength of voice to clearly explain the reasoning behind the
pulling out of money, and still have enough of an audience left to explain why
they didn’t just remove the troops.
Why the process of budget removal work effectively in the ending of the
Iraqi conflict
The President lacks the political strength to
maintain the current status quo of the Iraqi conflict. The American people have grown so tired of
the current conflict that they would have patience to hear all relevant
political strategies, and blaming the President has become such a common
strategy that people can listen to how the Congress removing money is the only
way to assail the problem, and it is the President who is not ordering the
troops home. People would be able to
understand the removal of money as a political strategy to end the conflict.
The conflict in Iraq is not the conflict in Viet Nam,
the United States military is sitting on piles of unused weaponry, old but
functional, the entire country has oil flowing out of it, so the militaries
vehicles could run nearly indefinitely, and the military could take from the
populace to satisfy their own needs as occupiers that, if the President saw it
as a true need for the US military, he could order them to confiscate from the
local population all that was necessary to maintain current troop operations,
and then, the President could order more troops into Iraq. Congressional removal of funds cannot stop
the President from ordering subsistence combat from the military, and doing so
would be within the Constitutional power of the President as Commander and
Chief. It would destroy the President
politically, but the next person to take the office would never hesitate to use
the same powers if he or she saw fit to do so.
The failure of Congress to financially support the army could lead to an
escalation of conflict rather then an end to it as the occupation turns into
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