Saturday, March 17, 2018

Dungeons and Dragons, "Character Ideas" episode 4

Ideas for Future Characters
            A while back I wrote up some short biographies for characters I thought about using in a 5th edition game of Dungeons and Dragons.  While I ended up using only one of them and have since moved on to running a game rather than playing in one.  However, and let’s be honest here, the most fun there is in Dungeons and Dragons is making a character.
            Since I like doing it, I figured I would make a chart in Excel and start checking off class/background combinations, by the end of this writing exercise I will have 156-character ideas.  I have decided not to include races, sub races, sub classes, or the backgrounds from supplemental materials.  Just the Players Handbook… FOR NOW.

            For fun, I will also give a numerical rating for whether I think something is “Interesting”.  There are characters that are so common as to be arch typical or even cliché, but maybe there is a reason they are so common, because they are just that intriguing.  Feel free to disagree or offer your own suggestions and objections in the comments.
            If you would like to share some of your own unused character ideas, do so in the comments, maybe use this format (maybe get it to catch on, I like its simplicity) and try and keep to a shorter length, you don’t want people to “tldr” your stuff.
            One more thing worth mentioning, I will make an effort to include a variety of different fantasy races in my character creation.  I have written before that I could run an entire fantasy world with just humans and see most fantasy races as too bland to be seen as meaningfully different from humanity (elves, to me, are too often played as just tall humans with pointy ears).  I also know that this is not an opinion shared by most and I want to try and expand my own horizons.

What Have I Got?
            That being said, there is no theme for this one.  I guess you could say, “Disconnected” because each of these three characters has broken away from the world they knew to pursue something to various levels.
            I was also going to have 4 characters originally, each with a name starting with the letters “A, B, C, and D”.  I dropped that because this entry is stupidly long at three entries.  Ironic because I started this project to make quick entries with a fast turnaround.  HA!
This guy, Will O'Brien's DeviantArt Account is a great collection for potential character portraits.

Name: Gaby Apple
Class: Sorcerer
Race: Halfling (Lightfoot)
Background: Urchin
History: I don’t know how old I am.  That is perhaps something most people take for granted.  I’ve met other people who don’t know how old they are, who grew up in places like I did, in the ways I did.  I think sometimes about how I was allowed to run thru the orchards of my hometown.  About how many farmers just saw me as the lost little girl that nobody knew where she came from.  The little girl that got their pity and generosity, but not their love.
I guess I was lucky for that at least.
Goals: The dream was how it started out.  I am walking between the trees on a clear and cool day.  I start to float.  Gently off the ground like a bubble.  Then I woke up, and I was drifting above the trees in the orchard I had fallen asleep in.
            I don’t know how I do this.  I don’t even know how to learn about it.  I just know that when I am floating it feels right.  Like I am supposed to be there, whether it is butterflies of glass fluttering around me reflecting light like a church window.  Or the flickering of my skin changing colors.  I float, and the magic floats with me.
Methods: This is the Wild Magic path for the Sorcerer, I would place an emphasis on magic that allows the character to move in a manner like floating (levitation, expeditious retreat), be colorful (color spray, mirror image), and things that can be conceptualized as looking like soap bubbles (acid splash, hypnotic pattern).

This is a character named "Apple" from a movie I liked.
Rating: 2/5
            Let’s not mince words, sorcerer and urchin go together like bread sticks and a sauce you dip breadsticks in.  The basic premise of, “I got mysterious superpowers and my family abandoned me” is most of X-Men and a good bit of mythology/folklore.
Much like the combo of Outlander/Barbarian from my last entry, the difficulty here is making the combo not just boilerplate and trite.  I think I failed a bit on that one.  The goals are, “learn more about my magic powers” which is the minimum.  Though I like the visual metaphor of a girl without a family floating, she is unmoored, and the wild magic element allows her to be something, literally unexpectable.
I should point on this character is sort of based on the kid sidekick character I put into my very short run of fantasy chapters I put on this blog (that entry being kind of standalone and readable as a short story).
I also like the name “Apple” which I liked hearing in the movie “Turbo Kid,” a film that is far too good for this world.

This image is huge and part of a set of clips used for film making.
Name: Donny the Courier
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Background: Soldier
History: From what I can tell, I was older when I got the message than most of my order ever made it to be.  Now I am older still.
I remember when I first joined the army.  I was fishing along a creek when the army started walking by.  Thump, thump, thump, their boots clomped down the gravel road.  Dust in the air and not one damn fish had bitten.  They told me there was a war on, that killers were coming and had already burned Baron Coy’s lands.  They handed me a spear, a leather jerkin, and strapped a helmet to my head.  I was off.  Never did get that fishing pole back.
I didn’t go home again.  I lived thru the first battle, and we chased them into the woods.  Each battle I got a new bit of armor, a shield, a hammer, then the hammer got dropped for a sword.  I got a crossbow and learned to ride a horse.  Before I had noticed it had been months, then years.  We had hunted men, then hunted wolves; we built bridges, then when built siege engines and took them over the bridges.  I have been a soldier my whole life and I still couldn’t tell you the reason why I never just went back home to finish fishing.
Goals: It was on a cold morning when I walked out of camp to catch birds for lunch that I found the message.  Found him?  Found her?  Found the bones.  They was in a breast plate and had a sword, and alongside it was a messengers’ tube.  I read it of course, and all it said was, “Protect the weak, promote the peace, guard yourself.  Do not protect a weak leader, do not bear an unjust peace, do not guard against the truth.”  I took it all as a sign, didn’t know what else to do with it.  Had to be for me, right?
I took the message, took the equipment, buried the bones, and left.
Methods: I would suggest using the rules for the “Oath of Devotion” but substituting the words found in the message case, “Protect the weak, promote the peace, guard yourself.  Do not protect a weak leader, do not bear an unjust peace, do not guard against the truth” for the usual Oath.  I would also rename the Oath to, “Oath of the Message”.
            I always find it a bit strange to make low level characters with the background of “soldier”, so I interpret Donny as getting older, falling out of practice with fighting in favor of being more the diplomatic and peace seeking type.  It is his hesitancy to use force that keeps him from being a ruthless effective combatant, but as he grows more practiced with staying his hand or following thru in a role where he has to use his own judgement rather than relying on orders, then his attacks become surer.
His lack of hit points are explained by his age, but the magical nature of faith making him more durable as he grows in level balances out that roleplaying contrast.
Rating: 4/5
            My big problem here is much like Apple, a lack of goal.  Getting away from a life of war and instead trying to be something outside the role of a soldier is a vague goal, but it lacks the strong (albeit cliché), “getting revenge on…”
            I think that seeking the origin of the paladin’s bones that he found and put him on his quest would help a lot.  Finding a tomb where the Message from the courier tube is written on the walls or on a shield and hinting that a long-lost order of knights is a cool idea.  Maybe the order needs to be founded again, and if Donny brings the message to those who need to hear it… Okay, I am liking this a bit more.
            This would also allow the DM to introduce good NPC’s that want to help the players but are not cut out for adventuring, Donny could then teach them a few things about fighting, teach them the code, and then maybe give them some common armor and weapons from the loot retrieved while on the adventure.  Creating a loose and rough around the edges order of would-be knights.  It would also allow the campaign setting to change in a meaningful way.  With nameless NPC’s recognizing the good deeds of Donny’s students.
And considering I got the name “Donny” from “Don Quixote” that feels right.

Some stories feel spiritual in nature.
            On the other end, the idea that the army he used to serve in might have suffered a shattering defeat and now Donny has to deal with learning about his old friends being dead or lost.  On the opposite end, the military he was in turning much eviler and Donny having to fight against them to hold to his new moral compass as they start striking out at innocent targets.
            Okay, I’ve talked myself into liking this character a lot.

I don't know what this image is from, or how ripped and eyes glowing I would make Bernie, but maybe at higher levels...
Name: Bernard “Bernie” Estaria
Class: Warlock (Fiendish)
Race: Half Elf
Background: Noble
History: When I was young I was seen as just some silly child.  I spent all my time reading adventure books, playing ring toss games, and sneaking out to play in the woods.
One year there was a sudden blizzard in early harvest season, I got caught in it while out hunting with my cousins.  Riley died, but Kenneth and I made it back home.  For days the snow was either falling or the world was silent as the grave.
It was then that I got sick.  Saw the visions.
She was so beautiful.  She told me stories while holding me.  She kept me warm.
I woke up when she said, “Come find me.”
I learned later that the snow was the work of some monster or demon that a group of Adventurers managed to defeat with the help of the Rod of Seven Parts, hence the wind and cold.  Even as life returned to normal, aside from the near famine from all the crops ruined by the cold, I lingered on my visions.
I had to find her.
I took to prayer, hoping the gods could lend me some kind of help.  I changed my reading habits to those of great women from history, myth, and distant lands trying to see if they felt like her.  None of them did.
It took me months of sulking and melancholy, my family thought I felt guilty about Riley dying in the storm… and I did feel bad about that, but it was for the woman in my dreams that I couldn’t shake my mood.
It was a year after the sickness that heard her voice again.  It was an echo from deep in the wellhouse.  It said, “Come find me.”

"Come find me..."

Goals: I am going into the Underdark to find her.  She is already helping me.
Methods: This is left totally open for picks of patron, though I tend to default to Fey, when I play this later today I plan to make it a Demon because the DM is running “Out of the Abyss” and I would like this guy to start out in the Dungeon having gone into the Underdark looking for the Woman of his Dreams.  I think that the reveal that she is actually a demon (the DM can pick which one fits my character and the story best) that has been pulling him down to help them escape.
Rating: 5/5
            This is the dozenth time I have played this sort of character, I wrote about previous instances of Kimble and Malachite, but this is the first time I have put this sort of tragic edge to it.  Positioning the character as in love with an idea, that love giving him drive to attain power, and ultimately that love being aimed at totally the wrong type of person makes sense.
            I also think the idea of someone giving up nobility for a life of adventure and the woman that they love is the best kind of romantic ideal.  One that we look up to even when Nazi sympathizers like Edward VIII do it.
            The part about the Rod of Seven Parts and the blizzard can be swapped for any supernatural catastrophe that a previous module brought about but was thwarted by player characters.  It is a place holder, and if your DM is not running a module like mine is, then it might serve as a hint to the DM by the player to maybe throw one of those rod parts into the mix, give the campaign something to quest for if he ever feels like, “I am unsure where to go from here.”  A side gig that still feels important.  I have been in that position before, using my players as a source of inspiration has led to several cool adventures.
            I made him a Half Elf, because I have an additional idea to make him think that his darker complexion is because of elven heritage with Summer/Wild/Wood Elves (which I have talked about before in the context of my “Painted Elves”), but it might be revealed dramatically that he is actually part Drow.  SHOCKING!  Or not.
            The inspiration of the Wellhouse element came from the Graphic Novel series “Locke and Key” by Joe Hill.  A series I cannot recommend enough as it is gloriously imaginative and unflinching in its brutal and often times scary content.

Seriously, I think it is all done now and collected in some great looking trades.

            What do you all think?  Do you have a request for a class/background combo?  Did you play one of the combos I have featured and want to share your spin on it?  Post in the comments.
Listed below are the past episodes of this blog for your reading pleasure.  If you want to read more Dungeons and Dragons stuff from me, here is a 3-part diatribe on the Celestial Warlock from “Xanathar’s Guide to Everything” (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).
If you want to read about my world’s version of Orcs (I am giving this a sequel soon), my Dwarves, or my Kobolds.
Otherwise, Have Fun.

            If you like or hate this please take the time to comment, +1, share on Twitter (click that link to follow me), Tumblr, or Facebook, and otherwise distribute my opinion to the world.  I would appreciate it.

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